
Active in , since 2015

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Product description

BioEnergy was founded as a direct result of a problem encountered by Egypt in 2013, due to the rising of the economic crisis and the issuing of the law that states no fuel subsidies for the Energy Intensive Industries. This lead to an increase of the cost of the production by 150%.
However, this was the start of a new adaptive strategy of the cement industry to cope up with the lack of the imported coal.
Wherever waste is generated and energy needed, BioEnergy is committed to developing profitable and affordable solutions for integrating sustainability with development needs. Moreover, BioEnergy is expanding to cover all three fields: Water, Electricity, Waste. As we are qualified to develop Waste to Energy Plants from the WMRA and Ministry of Environment, Egypt.

'- BioEnergy is capable to serve the community on several sustainability scales since it has the assets and the experience tobenefit from any type of waste. - BioEnergy has the know-how of circulating the waste treatment process to maintain a circular and green economy. - BioEnergy Focuses on the Waste to Energy Market (Solid, Liquid, Gas & Electricity) in Egypt, Middle East & Africa.

Client references

Heidelberg Group in Egypt

Cement industry
'- Operation and Maintenance The RDF Facility in Suez Cement, Heidelberg Group. - Supply Alternative Fuels of RDF
'- Treatment of 20,000 tons per month of Municipal solid wastes. - Supply 4,000 tons of RDF.

Cemex Cement in Egypt

Cement Industry
'- Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste and Supplying Cemex Cement with monthly quantities of alternative fuel of RDF.
'- Supply between 1500- 2000 tons per month of RDF.

Minya Governorate in Egypt

Managing the municipality of the governorate
'- Design, operate and maintain the RDF Plant in Al-Edwa, Minya. - Waste treatment of daily municipal solid waste including recycling, compost, and RDF.
'- Sustain the supply of 1500-2000 of RDF monthly to Cement Plants.

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