Tonnes of CO2e emissions reduced
Gallons of water saved
Metric tonnes of waste diverted from landfill
Number of individuals who participated in well-being/social programs
Plastic bottles saved from entering the environment
Trees saved from being felled
Plastic bags saved from entering the environment
Employees and community members took part in CSR initiatives

Our goals

1. To transition businesses in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world from a profit-centric model to one that encompasses and balances economic, environmental and social objectives.

2. To develop the next generation of sustainability professionals by providing employment, mentoring and training opportunities for young people who share our passion for sustainable action.

3. To contribute, through the use of our people and financial resources, to the successful implementation of ESG-related projects in the wider community.

4. To improve the welfare of blue-collar workers by supporting businesses in implementing educational and mental health programmes.

5. To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of businesses by supporting them in quantifying emissions and implementing practical steps to reduce them.

Our Policies

Supplier diversity policy

Living Business™ recognizes the importance of having a diverse and inclusive supply chain. We are therefore committed to developing mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers with ownership from underrepresented groups. This means we give preference to suppliers with small, minority-owned, women-owned, people of determination-owned, veteran-owned and LGBTQ- owned business enterprises, when all business considerations are determined to be equal among competitive suppliers.

The purpose of Living Business'™ supplier diversity policy is to provide opportunities to diverse suppliers that satisfy our standards while supporting our clients in achieving their own corporate diversity goals.
Download policy

Environmental Policy

- Encourage all employees to actively seek out suppliers with ownership from underrepresented groups that can provide high-quality, competitive goods and services, and whose business model is aligned with our business strategy.

- Ensure the inclusion of suppliers owned by underrepresented groups as part of our processes.

- Communicate the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to all stakeholders.
Download policy