PR agencies: To B or not to B?

Published on July 29, 2024

Having recently secured B Corp certification for his PR agency CYLKA, committee member Saad Alrubaian reflects on the journey and provides insights to other agencies interested in gaining certification.

Climate change is a pressing issue, and CYLKA, as a purpose-driven PR agency, wasn’t content with just talking about it. We wanted to walk the talk. While we’ve always focused on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and communication for governments and social entrepreneurs, we realized it wasn’t enough to design campaigns for others without implementing sustainable practices ourselves.

Sparked by Change

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst. We embraced remote work, becoming a 100% virtual agency with a small team spread across six cities. This not only improved work-life balance but also reduced our environmental footprint. CYLKA has also invested in Letswork, a platform that offers access to co-working spaces globally, further minimizing our physical footprint.

Building a Sustainable Foundation

As a small business, navigating sustainability initiatives initially felt overwhelming. However, we decided to start local. We approached MAJRA UAE, the government body regulating CSR and sustainability, to participate in their Impact Seal program. This six-month process of documentation and audits helped us establish proper governance to measure our sustainability impact based on: 1) The Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) princples, 2) UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 3) and national priorities.

Recognition and Growth

Earning the prestigious Golden Impact Seal, alongside companies like Unilever, Citi bank and Emirates Airlines, was a significant milestone, but it wasn’t the finish line. This recognition prepared us to qualify for a sustainability acceleration program by HSBC entitied “Living Business”, a program designed to help businesses take sustainable action. This year-long sustainability acceleration program, kept us accountable and provided valuable coaching.

B Corp: A Global Benchmark

With a strong foundation in place, we set our sights on the B Corp certification. Awarded by B Lab, B Corp certification signifies a company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The rigorous assessment process covers five key areas, transforming businesses into forces for good. After a nine-month journey, CYLKA became one of only 10 B Corps in the UAE and 24 in the MENA region.

Beyond the Badge: A Commitment to Action

While achieving these milestones is rewarding, sustainability goes beyond chasing accolades.  Greenwashing – focusing on reputation over genuine action – is a trap we strive to avoid. The key is a cultural shift, where sustainability is embedded in our core values.

Sharing the Knowledge

Sustainability is a collaborative journey. We actively participate in global initiatives such as the WeatherKids campaign, an innovative campaign that features children meteorologists forecasting the 2050 weather in a joint effort by the UNDP and ICCO to raise awareness on the climate action. CYLKA also took part in the Green Impact program by Students Organizations for Sustainability (SOS UK) and involved in auditing selected facilities and centers at the London School of Economics (LSE), helping them improve campus sustainability.

The Takeaway for PR Agencies

Should your PR agency pursue certifications such as the B Corp certification? Absolutely –  with caveats.

  • Genuine Commitment: Sustainability must be a core value, not a marketing tactic.
  • Collaboration is Key: Engage stakeholders to maximize your impact.
  • Advocate & Promote: Champion the causes you care about – learn how “Green Marketing” can support your efforts.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Share your expertise! Offer talks, write-ups, and mentorships to inspire the industry.

Sustainability isn’t a badge; it’s a way of doing business. By maintaining our green commitments and continuously improving, we can all contribute to a better world.

Saad Alrubaian (Chart.PR, MCIPR, MPRCA) is a Chartered PR practitioner. A Kuwaiti professional who has served previously for both private and government sectors in Dubai and is now running a B corp  boutique agency, CYLKA. A mentor, judge, board member and writer on social entrepreneurship and communication matters.


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