Evaluation General Waste Management

Please use this form to submit your evaluation for General Waste Management



United Arab Emirates

Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer MESolar

"Luxury design and build company specialising in interiors, landscape, swimming pools and energy solutions. Sustainability forms a core of our organisation which is why we chose to go paperless last year and are going plastic free this year!"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer MESolar

Our objective this year was to eliminate single use plastic bottles across our entire organisation. From management to site staff, every single employee has given up using disposable plastics during office hours. Plastic bottles, plastic cutlery, plastic bags, plastic tools, plastic lunch boxes, and plastic cups have been eliminated from our offices and projects.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer MESolar

"The objective was to educate the team on the importance of the environmental impact of single use plastic. While we expected the transition to be tough (primarily due to the inconvenience caused), we were surprised to see the team join forces to expedite the transition."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer MESolar

"884 kilograms of plastic saved which equates to 160,000 litres of water saved per annum! The team now uses reusable materials for all their daily requirements. This allows us to maintain the highest standards of hygiene across the company."


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer MESolar

As an SME in the sustainability sector, we are always looking to push our company to lead by example. After going paperless, going plastic free gives us that edge as a leading organisation in the environmental sector.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer MESolar



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer MESolar



How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer MESolar

42,267 KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer MESolar



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer MESolar

AED 155,331 saved per annum


Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer MESolar


Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer MESolar

Our entire team of 23 worked top down to ensure implementation of such a strict company policy. Since we are a family owned business, creating the policy was the easy part, executing it required us to lead by example.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer MESolar

"Like with our last year's project of going paperless, we plan to continue this project for the foreseeable future. We have incentivised the team by providing them with company branded plastic replacements (metal bottle, metal lunch boxes, etc) to ensure that we remain on path for being a plastic free company for as long as we are in business. Over the course of the next 10 years, we will have eliminated EIGHT THOUSAND kilograms of plastic from the environment."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Summertown Interiors

United Arab Emirates

Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer Summertown Interiors

Summertown Interiors builds sustainable interior workplaces enabling clients to meet their environmental targets, improve employee well-being, and reduce costs. Our business and sustainability strategy is underpinned by 3 x JOURNEY2030 sustainability goals aligned with the UN SDGs and UAE targets.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer Summertown Interiors

"Project Summary: • Find sustainable solutions for our project building waste • Establish waste partnerships to enable us and our industry to eliminate building waste going to landfill – specifically for concrete and gypsum board. • Meet our ‘Zero waste to landfill’ JOURNEY2030 sustainability goal by 2030. • We established a waste project team including – MD, Projects Director, Project Manager, and Health and Safety Manger to embed the new process into our sites. Summertown: • Reduce building waste going to landfill • Provide greater transparency on waste management for our clients."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer Summertown Interiors

"Waste Project Objectives: • Find sustainable solutions for our project building waste (recycle or reuse) • Establish waste partnerships with waste management companies in the UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi emirates) to enable us and our industry to eliminate building waste going to landfill – specifically for concrete and gypsum board. • Meet our ‘Zero waste to landfill’ JOURNEY2030 sustainability goal by 2030. At the end of last financial year (31st March 2022) only 91% of project waste went to landfill our target was 20% • Provide greater transparency on waste management for our clients."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer Summertown Interiors

"The Living Business programme provided the additional catalyst to form a specific project team (beyond our project site team) to focus solely on project waste management. We already had an annual waste target (reported in our annual sustainability report), but we needed external resources to help us find waste management partners. Following the introductions and meetings we quickly established which companies could take our specific building waste, the financial impact, and then established a new process. Results • End of financial year 31st March 2022, 9% project waste diverted from landfill (target 20%) • 28% project waste (end September 2022) has already been diverted from landfill (target 30%) using two new partners. • Contracts with partners due to be signed in the coming months • New waste process developed will be embedded into our ISO quality management system and rolled out"


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer Summertown Interiors

Meeting our ‘Zero waste to landfill’ JOURNEY2030 sustainability goal by 2030 is one of three sustainability ambitions we set in 2019. Our JOURNEY2030 sustainability goals underpin our sustainability strategy and business.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer Summertown Interiors



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer Summertown Interiors

Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer Summertown Interiors

45,815 KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer Summertown Interiors



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer Summertown Interiors

zero - any revenue from selling recyclable material is offset against the cost to recycle/reuse materials


Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer Summertown Interiors


Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer Summertown Interiors

"We established a resolute waste project team which included our Managing Director (sponsor), Projects Director (Leader), Marketing Manager, Project Manager, & Health and Safety Manger to focus on project waste management, and establish and embed a new process into our project sites (5 people). After meeting with new waste partners introduced through the programme, the team selected suitable waste companies based on our waste management needs. The next step is to engage our procurement team, agree contracts with selected waste partners, and embed the new process into our project sites and ISO"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer Summertown Interiors

"Our long-term project waste goal is to meet our ‘Zero waste to landfill’ JOURNEY2030 sustainability goal. This goal set in 2019 is to ensure we constantly strive to improve how we deliver our client’s new workplaces in a sustainable manner and manage our office waste. Our sustainability strategy includes our community, and we hope to find waste solutions for the whole fit-out industry to help eliminate building waste from landfill. We have short-term goals in place to encourage us - we aim to reach 30% of project waste in tonnes to be diverted from landfill by end March 2023."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.


United Arab Emirates

Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer RePlaste

RePlaste is a sustainable material design studio - Creating Sapor™️ aka Marble of the Future. We see our Sapor™️, a 100% recycled & 100% recyclable plastic composite, sheets as a circular alternative to wood, ceramics, marble and mdf.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer RePlaste

This was an internal improvement process inculcated after "Living Business's Beyond Rubbish: Waste Management Webinar" to reduce, reuse and ultimately recycle our existing production offshoots and plastic nanoparticles. We are looking to improve our internal waste recover by over 50% measured in terms of material recovered/production offshoots. Additionally, we started to research the feasibility of introducing a buy-back scheme for existing customers.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer RePlaste

"Measure and Record Existing waste recovery loopholes Identify Production Waste Leakage Sites How to incorporate in-house plastic waste to make new products How to incorporate a buy-back scheme for existing customers"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer RePlaste

"The beauty of plastic, that most people fail to realize, is its 100% recyclability in a closed loop cycle. In theory, every plastic flake or offshoot can be recycled to make new products. However, recycling is a more energy intensive process than reusing or reducing waste in the first place. We introduced a set of measures, across the board, allowing us to collect waste off-shoots, training cnc operators in how to most effectively cut new products to allow for material recovery as well as sorting + cleaning the fore-mentioned flakes in such a way to allow for quick reintegration back into our manufacturing supply chain. However, not all in-house waste can be reused or reduced. In such cases, we have developed a method to regrind the plastic flake, add strong black organic pigments and ultimately make new plastic flakes which are then used to make Sapor sheets and new products."


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer RePlaste

We have been planning on doing this work for a long time however the webinar was the catalyst allowing us to look further into our practices and make the right decisions.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer RePlaste



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer RePlaste

Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer RePlaste

2,200 KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer RePlaste



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer RePlaste

+210000 AED/annum projected


Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer RePlaste


Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer RePlaste

We worked closely with waste experts to identify the best practices for moving forward. Circularity and modularity are at the core of our business model therefore this was an important step in the right direction especially for our stakeholders primarily our investors and the board.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer RePlaste

While we are close to having a refined list of best practices, this project is an ongoing work that will help us with internal waste recover for as long as RePlaste continues with production. Moreover, this set of practices is always a work in progress as we try to ultimately make repurpose the preferred destination for offshoots instead of recycling; which is an energy and labor intensive process. We expect to save up to 30% of our regrind and use them for customer projects.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

HBK Contracting


Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer HBK Contracting

HBK PMV is backbone of HBK Contracting Co. It maintains and operates 3000+ fleets Plant, Machinery and Equipment from 125`000 sq. Mtr Work station with 2100+ man power. Our aim to maintain the sustainable environment by maximum recycling and through improved waste management and employee well being.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer HBK Contracting

"Objective: To maintain the sustainable and hazard free work environment through implementation of improved waste management. we prepared an intensive waste management plan. Executed Plan of action and monitored it in regular interval in order to achieve the coveted target to reduce and to recycle our max wastes. We emphasized to identify our waste at the 'waste generation point' instead of 'at disposal area'. We analyzed the type of waste to categorize them properly and worked with a motto for optimum reduction of waste, proper disposal and for maximum recycling."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer HBK Contracting

"1. To have hazard free workplace with zero spillage, optimum recycling, proper disposal of waste 2. Collection of 100% used oil from all projects and recycling. 3. Recycling of all used (100%) filters, all (100%) hydraulic hoses, all batteries (100%), 4. Recycling of 15% of total used tyre. Rest to be disposed at MOE designated area. 5. Recycling of 50% used oil drums, 40% scrap steel for in-house use 6. 5% reduction in yearly total fuel consumption to reduce the emission of GHG 7. 10% reduction in yearly food waste in labour camp 8. Re-use of 25% treated waste water"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer HBK Contracting

"Benefits: Quantity and weight of hazardous waste has been reduced through the recycling of 4590 number used filters. It resulted reduction of filter disposal cost approximately QR 20,000 monthly. The filter recycling plan reduced the storage space by pressing the cylindrical shape of filter into disc shape. Instead of spending for disposal, we earned Qatari Riyal 800 per month by selling recyclable steel of filter body after dismantling and segregating into steel body, strainer and filter paper. Recycled 183600 Lit used oil Recycled 4.43 Ton hydraulic hoses, Recycled 1400+ Battery to reduce the hazardous waste Recycled and reused 1026 Tyre and 643 number empty oil drum Recycled 414 Ton steel and 1.32 Ton Aluminum Reduced 5% fuel consumption resulted reduction in emission of GHG Recycled paper and wood waste 4 Ton Reduced 4.015 Ton food waste in worker's accommodation"


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer HBK Contracting

This project has given us double benefit through reducing quantity of hazardous waste. and reduced storage place for hazards. Reduced disposal cost and recycling turned into financial profit. Innovative action plan & monitoring helped a lot to reduce the GHG through reduction in fuel consumption.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer HBK Contracting



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer HBK Contracting

Reuse, Recycle, Reduce


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer HBK Contracting

226,796 KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer HBK Contracting



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer HBK Contracting

We gained Qatari Riyal 125,000 per month direct profit per month through reduced fuel consumption, reduced waste disposal cost and optimum recycling of wastes.


Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer HBK Contracting


Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer HBK Contracting

"The concept has been developed by HBK PMV core engineering team consisted with 3 mechanical engineer. The objective has been set with measurable targets. Objective action plan is prepared with monitoring frequency Environmental aspect and impact analysis and Risk assessment has been developed by HSE Officer Complied all legal and statutory terms and condition The project is implemented by Workshop manager and mentored by head of HBK PMV department The team building and execution is done by PMV supervisor and HSE in charge. Total team member involved in this project was 10."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answe HBK Contracting

"We are now closely monitoring the technical benefit, cost effectiveness, more improvement in our waste disposal and recycling process and implementing the concept to our other area of concern for waste management. We are expecting more improvement in this project by June-2023. We have started detail feasibility study with third party consultant to reduce the energy consumption for our office building. To reduce emission of GHG, We started periodic health check up for all of our heavy duty engines through oil sample testing and emission testing as well analyzing on regular basis."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Zatona Eats


Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer Zatona Eats

"Zatona Eats is an all-in-one meal planning, ordering, and nutrition therapy app for people who want to eat healthy and/or make body transformations We started to offer a cutlery opt-out option in checkout in order to help in reducing plastic waste from cutlery tools"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer Zatona Eats

"We provide healthy meals in subscription packages (weekly & monthly) with each meal we provide plastic cutlery tools. We started to offer an opt-out option in our checkout process to help to reduce the amount of plastic waste we consume and encourage our customers to use more sustainable options and reduce plastic waste"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer Zatona Eats

"We target to reduce the plastic waste used through our packaging and meals in general. We started with cutlery tools and we are working on other eco-friendly alternatives for multiple things in our packaging in general We aim for a reduction in plastic waste and saving in packaging costs that may be used to add more value for our customers in general"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer Zatona Eats

"We aim for a reduction in plastic waste and saving in packaging costs that may be used to add more value for our customers in general Next, we are working on alternatives to food containers that are microwavable but more eco-friendly"


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer Zatona Eats

We aim for providing healthy food for people and eco-friendly for the environment

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer Zatona Eats



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer Zatona Eats



How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer Zatona Eats

108 KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer Zatona Eats



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer Zatona Eats

Reduction in packaging costs


Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer Zatona Eats


Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer Zatona Eats

"Our team works closely with our customers to deliver a more tailored experience where we could serve our customers to the extreme. 4 of our operation team are involved in handling customers on daily bases, they are working together with our clients for a better and more eco-friendly overall experience."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer Zatona Eats

"Next, we are working on alternatives to food containers that are microwavable but more eco-friendly. It weights an average of 200 grams that we want to find eco-friendly alternatives as a mid-term objective Our long-term objective is to be helping people to enjoy a healthier life and an environment to be more cleaner"

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Ali Bin Ali Beverages


Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Qatar-based Ali Bin Ali Beverages (ABAB), Franchise Bottler for PepsiCo in Qatar, is taking the lead in prioritizing sustainability practices to become more environmentally responsible and financially competitive.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

"Recycling considerably benefits the environment, as new goods are replaced by recycled goods. The most widely used plastic worldwide is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), common in different packaging of beverages and textile products. One of the most important characteristics of PET is that it is fully recyclable. This type of plastic can be recycled through different types of procedures, although mechanical recycling is the most used. After being recycled, it gives rise to a material called r Pet that has multiple applications in sectors such as food and beverages."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

ABA Beverages, along with Pepsi Co and Al Mannai Plastics, Kuwait, initiated the trials with r Pet preforms in June. The raw material, the Resin, was from a FDA approved Vendor, Bariq, in Egypt. The preforms were manufactured, using these resins, by Al Mannai Plastics. Both the resin as well as the preforms are approved by Pepsi Co, after they pass the mandatory tests like Migration Test, Chemical Tests and Mechanical strength. The resin used for r Pet Preform is FDA approved. The moves aligns with PepsiCo’s international standards and Sustainability Plans, the PEP + Global Initiative.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

As a part of Sustainability Plans, ABAB and Pepsi Co has targeted few projects - reduce the Consumption of Virgin PET, introduction of r PET in preforms, reduction in consumption of fresh water and electricity. ABAB conducted its first trial, of Aquafina in 330ml format, on 6th June, 2022. The samples were then sent to a Qatar based Laboratory, for testing the physio chemical parameters of the Bottled Drinking Water. Upon approval, ABAB launched 330ml Aquafina Bottled Drinking Water, in r Pet, on 27th October, 2022, thereby becoming the first Pepsi Bottler to commercially launch this product, in the Middle East. The celebratory launch was under the patronage of the Qatar Ministry of Environment and Climate Change as well as the Qatar Ministry of Commerce and Trade, gathered Executives from PepsiCo and Ali Bin Ali Holdings. Local and regional media were also invited to cover the event.


How does this project fit within your overall sustainability goals and ambitions?

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

This project is one of the sustainability plans, ABA Beverages has committed to, along with other plans like reduction in fresh water consumption, reduction in use of Virgin PET, reduction in power consumption etc.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

Recycle, Reduce


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

??? KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages



Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages



Which solution provider/ company did you work with to achieve this?

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

Pepsi Co and Al Mannai Plastics

Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

The r Pet preforms were tested for various parameters like Migration test, physical and chemical parameters before blowing the preforms. The blown bottles were then tested for various parameters mandated by Pepsi Co. Once the parameters were in line with the requirements, trials were conducted with Aquafina. The finished products were then checked for Package Stability. The product was also tested for Bottled Drinking Water standards with a Laboratory in Qatar. Once the results were in line with the requirements, commercial production was launched. Staffs involved were Plant Operations team.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer Ali Bin Ali Beverages

ABA plans to extend this initiative to its other Aquafina format, which would be 500ml, by early next year, which would be a great leap towards Sustainability Plans of the Company, in line with the Sustainability Plans driven by PEPSI.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

AW Rostamani Group

United Arab Emirates

Scoring - 5 Points

Background of organisation, values and goals: Extent to which a brief overview of the background of the organisation, the core values, how these relate to ESG & why the organisation aims to be involved in ESG are provided.


Provide a brief overview of the background of your organisation, and how and why your organisation aims to be involved in ESG.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

AW Rostamani Group (AWR), is a UAE based family business, operating in sectors such as Automotive, Real Estate, Lifestyle, investments and others. We are repositioning the group as a sustainable organization through a series of projects in line with the UAE's vision, while embracing generation next.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.

Scoring - 10 Points

Summary of project: Extent to which a clear summary is provided on the project outlining the objectives, impacts & results as well as the benefits this has had to the organisation & particular team involved in the project.


Provide a clear summary of your project outlining the objectives as well as the benefits this has had to your organisation and particular team involved in the project.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

Drop it Campaign: Drop the habit of using plastic across all AWR premises. A campaign was launched in June to eliminate the use of plastic across all AWR offices, and replace them with usable bottles while installing water filtration dispensers. The project has helped us so far using minimal amount of plastic until we aim to fully stop by end of the year, and cut the cost of ordering plastic bottled water.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 10 Points

Objectives: Extent to which a clear breakdown of the targets that were set to achieve throughout the project, including reference to the impact this has had on the organisation and external party are provided.


Provide a clear breakdown of the targets you set to achieve through your project, including reference to the impact you expected on your organisation and any external party.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

"Achieve zero usage of plastic across all AWR premises by end of H1 2023. Reduction of cost of using plastic by 90% by end of 2023."

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.

Scoring - 20 Points

Impacts & results: Extent to which details are provided on how the project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as the organisation, team & the stakeholders


Provide details on how your project has benefitted the sustainability realm as well as your organisation, your team & your stakeholders if relevant.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

it is too early to tell as it is only 2.5 months since the launch of Drop it Campaign, but I can say that there has been significant cooperation and positive response from all employees on stopping using plastic bottles and shift to water dispensers.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

It is in line with the Group's strategy to become a sustainable organization

Please enter a number less than or equal to 20.

Scoring - 30 Points

Supporting evidence: Extent to which details are provided for supporting documents and a clear summary of metrics relating to impacts & results, base case metrics that are relevant to the project.


When did you complete the project or expect the project to be completed?

Answer AW Rostamani Group



Which of the 4 R's did you use? (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Repurpose)

Answer AW Rostamani Group



How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (in kgs/annum)

Answer AW Rostamani Group

??? KG


How much waste was diverted away from landfill? (% of your total waste)

Answer AW Rostamani Group



What was the financial impact, if any, of this project?

Answer AW Rostamani Group



Did you partner with a third party to implement this project?

Answer AW Rostamani Group



Which solution provider/ company did you work with to achieve this?

Answer AW Rostamani Group

Goumbook, Liquid of Life

Please enter a number less than or equal to 30.

Scoring - 15 Points

Team engagement: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Details on number of staff involved in project.


Provide a brief overview of how your team & stakeholders collaborated to drive & implement your project or initiative. Please include details of number of staff involved.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

Group Marketing collaborated with operations and facilities management to ensure the whole project is implemented in the best way possible, and communicated to all employees.

Please enter a number less than or equal to 15.

Scoring - 10 Points

Future implications & brief strategy: Extent to which a clear overview is provided on how the participant will move forward with the specific project, and its longand short-term implications if known.


Provide a brief overview of how you will move forward with this specific project, its future (short-term & long-term) implications if known. Please include metrics where appropriate.

Answer AW Rostamani Group

Next phase of the project is to eliminate plastic across all businesses, plastic material, equipment, collateral, cutlery, etc..

Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.