South Korea-based SEMP Group and Abu Dhabi-based Global Solutions for Project Management have launched a pathbreaking innovation that will shape the future of clean energy – the AI Smart Electromagnetic Generator (AISEG) at COP28 organized in Dubai, UAE.

AISEG is the result of nearly four years of research by experts at the SEMP Research Institute, which is now entering commercial application following its official launch at COP28. Visitors to COP28’s Green Zone at the Energy Transition Hub, a part of the Sustainability District can witness first-hand live demonstrations of the innovative technology that meets the aspirations of the world to cut emissions and transition to Net Zero by 2050, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Zero-fuel, zero-emissions, highest efficiency

AISEG is the world’s first successful system that generates higher efficiency output compared to input power. With over 70 patents in 60 countries, it does not have any rotating parts, does not produce carbon or heat emissions, is self-powered and delivers outstanding efficiency. It has a compact footprint and near-permanent lifespan – a one-stop solution for the world’s energy needs.

AISEG opens a market of infinite value with application in every field, such as automobiles by providing clean, emission-free power without fuel. Industries can generate electricity without need for power transmission and home appliances can be powered with an easy plug and play model. It also replaces the immense fuel needed for ships, planes, and carriers, and every other power source at customised power plants.

Eco-friendly solution for the power demand

“AISEG technology marks a milestone of profound significance for the world and the future of clean energy – marking a journey of innovation, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to a sustainable tomorrow,” said Zakeya Alameri, Founder and CEO of Global Solutions for Project Management.

Woohee Choi, CEO of SEMP Research Institute Co., Ltd., said: “We are honoured to showcase our invention, the world’s first non-rotation type power generation system that will transform how power is produced and consumed, at COP28. AISEG demonstrates our dedication to innovative decarbonization, delivering efficient energy while minimizing carbon emissions.”

In an ambitious move to increase the smart agriculture penetration rate to 30% of agricultural production by 2027, the Korean government plans to establish a system that enables the installation of vertical smart farms within agricultural promotion zones. This initiative will require overcoming the current land-use restrictions that typically limit development and construction projects in these designated areas.

To achieve this goal, the government will introduce the “Smart Agriculture Promotion Act” within the year, aimed at updating the existing land-use regulations to accommodate the implementation of vertical smart farms in agricultural promotion zones. The Act will address the concerns related to land-use restrictions while ensuring that these innovative farming facilities align with the goals of promoting sustainable agriculture and preserving agricultural land.

In addition to the development of vertical smart farms, the government will construct a cutting-edge, 100-hectare greenhouse for agricultural management and smart agriculture companies by 2027. This state-of-the-art facility will serve as a hub for research, development, and implementation of advanced farming technologies, further solidifying Korea’s position at the forefront of agricultural innovation.

The integration of vertical smart farms and advanced greenhouse facilities within agricultural promotion zones has the potential to revolutionize the industry by increasing efficiency, reducing the environmental impact of traditional farming, and promoting sustainable practices. Vertical farming allows for year-round crop cultivation, using significantly less land, water, and energy resources compared to conventional agriculture.

Source: Vertical Farm Daily